Understanding of Masculinity and Gender Equality in the Security Sector of Ukraine International Men and Gender Equality Survey Special Edition: Security Sector in Ukraine

 Ukraine Masculinity Study Publication Cover Page
This national study was commissioned by UN Women Ukraine and the nongovernmental organization Promundo-US under two UN Women Ukraine projects:

“Gender Equality at the Centre of the Reforms, Peace and Security” and “Building Democratic, Peaceful, and Gender Equal Society in Ukraine".

The first-ever International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) in Ukraine’s security sector was conducted from February 2019 to December 2020 at the initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (MIA) in close cooperation with and the expert and technical support of UN Women in Ukraine, with financial support from the Governments of Sweden and Norway, and partnership with the non-governmental organization Promundo-US, the National Academy of Internal Affairs, and the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology.

This study explored gender and masculinity within the Ukrainian security sector, with the IMAGES questionnaire thoroughly adapted and revised to reflect the local context and the MIA’s particular needs. Data collection involved face-to-face interviews with members of the National Police, National Guard of Ukraine, and State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, with one self-administered section, and the data collected provide a rich source to inform policy aimed at gender equality in the security sector of Ukraine. The survey was conducted in six administrative regions. The sample of 1,500 women and men was equally divided among the MIA’s three services – the National Police, the National Guard of Ukraine, and the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine – and the target audience was employees of these services, including those currently in active service, those who had returned from active combat, and those with no combat experience.

The findings of the study will inform the development of policies that promote gender equality in the agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

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Number of pages
79 (English)/86 (Ukrainian)