States and EU:
- Belgium (MoFA)
- Canada (MoFA)
- Denmark (MoFA)
- Estonia (MoFA)
- EU (European Commission)
- France (MoFA, AFD, Expertise France)
- Germany (BMZ, GIZ, KfW)
- Ireland (MoFA)
- Japan (MoFA, JICA)
- Latvia (MoFA)
- Netherlands (MoFA)
- Norway (NORAD)
- Spain (AECID)
- Sweden (SIDA)
- Ukraine (Cabinet of Ministers)
- United Kingdom (MoFA)
International Organizations, International Financial Institutions:
- CEB (Council of Europe development Bank)
- EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development)
- EIB (European Investment Bank Group)
- FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)
- ILO (International Labour Organization)
- IOM (International Organization for Migration)
- OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development)
- The World Bank
- UN Women
- UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
- UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund)
- UN-Habitat
- UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees)
- UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime)
- UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services)
- WFP (UN World Food Programme)
Private Sector:
- Bayer
- Google
- Marie Claire Business / Burda Media Ukraine
- Ukrhydroenergo
Civil Society Organizations:
- CARE (Germany / Ukraine)
- Centre Women’s Perspectives (Ukraine)
- CFFP (Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, Germany)
- Charitable Foundation Stabilization Support Services (Ukraine)
- Crisp (Germany)
- EAF Berlin (Germany)
- East SOS (Ukraine)
- European Endowment for Democracy (Belgium)
- FemGlobal (Poland)
- Forum ZFD (Germany)
- Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe e V. (Germany)
- Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation Ukraine (Switzerland)
- HIAS (Ukraine)
- JurFem (Ukraine)
- La Strada (Ukraine)
- League of the Strong (Ukraine)
- NGO Girls (Ukraine)
- NGO Pislyazavtra / Biasless (Ukraine)
- NGO Smarta (Ukraine)
- NGO UA Experts (Ukraine)
- NGO Voice of Romni (Ukraine)
- Norwegian People’s Aid (Norway)
- Promprylad Foundation
- Right to Protection (Ukraine)
- Roma Women Fund Chiricli (Ukraine)
- Save the Children (Ukraine)
- The Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security (USA)
- Ukrainian Women’s Fund
- WECU (Women Energy Club Ukraine)
- WICC (Women’s Information Consultative Center, Ukraine)
- Women in Media (Ukraine)