Sabine Freizer Gunes, UN Women Representative in Ukraine, on the launch of the “Of Course You Can!” campaign

UN Women and the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, with the support of the Office of the First Lady and the Government of Sweden, have launched a national information campaign “Of Course You Can!”. The campaign aims to overcome gender stereotypes about women's professional development and promote equal representation and professional growth of women in all spheres, as well as draw attention to the gender pay gap between men and women. 

Today in Ukraine, only about 50% of women of…

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Statement by Sabine Freizer Gunes, UN Women Representative in Ukraine on the occasion of International Equal Pay Day

Date: Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Overcoming the gender pay gap and working to empower women together. Of course, you can!

Empowering Ukraine: The Vital Role of Women's Leadership

Date: Tuesday, 25 June 2024

The Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2024) concluded in Berlin on June 12, continuing the series of annual high-level political events dedicated to Ukraine’s swift recovery and long-term reconstruction since the onset of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine. The conference brought together over 3,400 participants, representing a wide array of stakeholders, including governments, international organizations, financial institutions, businesses, regions, municipalities, and civil society, all…

A thematic session "Gender Equality in the EU Accession Process" took place in Kyiv

Date: Wednesday, 5 June 2024

A thematic session on gender equality in the EU accession and the Verkhovna Rada's role in these processes was held on April 9 in Kyiv. The session was organized by the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Ukraine's Integration into the European Union in collaboration with UN Women in Ukraine. The governments of Denmark and Sweden were supporters of this event.

The thematic session opened with introductory speeches about the importance of gender equality in state institutions and procedures,…

Sabine Freizer Gunes: For gender-responsive recovery, it is important to know that women's voices are heard

Date: Monday, 29 April 2024

Sabine Freizer Gunes, UN Women Representative in Ukraine: “This is a great opportunity for women who work in local and regional governments, women who work in civil society, and women who work in the economy to define what gender-responsive recovery means. Because we know that Ukraine is going to need a lot of investment, a lot of effort in the recovery phase, and it is very important that it is gender sensitive.”

UN Women & Ukrainian Institute announced the winners of the Women in Arts. The Resistance Award 2024

Date: Thursday, 11 April 2024

On March 6, the fifth-anniversary awarding ceremony of the annual Women in Arts. The Resistance Award was held in Kyiv. With this award, UN Women Ukraine and the Ukrainian Institute praise the achievements of women in the field of culture and art, and from 2023, also their contribution to the approach of victory.

The governments of Sweden and Japan, as well as the Women's Fund for Peace and Humanitarian Aid of the United Nations, supported the event. Media partners of the fifth Women…

UN Women Ukraine and the Ukrainian Institute announced the winners of the Women in Arts. The Resistance Award 2024

Date: Wednesday, 27 March 2024

On March 6, the fifth-anniversary awarding ceremony of the annual Women in Arts. The Resistance Award was held in Kyiv. With this award, UN Women Ukraine and the Ukrainian Institute praise the achievements of women in the field of culture and art, and from 2023, also their contribution to the approach of victory.

The governments of Sweden and Japan, as well as the Women's Fund for Peace and Humanitarian Aid of the United…

UN Women Ukraine video on the second anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine

Date: Monday, 18 March 2024

TWO years of Russia’s full-scale invasion, TEN years of Russian aggression.

The war has taken thousands of lives, caused untold destruction, displaced millions, traumatized a generation, torn families and communities, and devastated the economy. The war has had profound impacts on women and girls.

UN Women stands in solidarity with and admires every woman in Ukraine who is supporting her family, community, and country, whether through the provision of humanitarian assistance…

What is gender-based violence? Podcast with the Rep. of UN Women in Ukraine Sabine Freizer Gunes

Date: Monday, 18 March 2024

Every third woman who calls support hotlines in Ukraine suffers from intimate partner violence. It is unknown how many women suffer from violence, but do not tell anyone about it. At the same time, in 2023, the National Police of Ukraine received 216,284 appeals related to domestic violence. And, again, this figure does not reflect the real picture because we are talking only about those who go to the police.

Gender-based violence is the topic we will be discussing in the episode of…

The importance of protecting women's rights amidst Russia's full-scale invasion

Date: Tuesday, 12 March 2024

In an interview with Arirang News, Sabine Freizer, the Representative of UN Women in Ukraine, discussed the importance of protecting women's rights amidst Russia's full-scale invasion.

UN Women Connect 2023 Conference in Lviv

Date: Tuesday, 20 February 2024

The UN Women Connect 2023 Conference in Lviv brought together 35 civil society partner organizations that currently provide their very important and urgent support for women and girls throughout the territory of Ukraine.

The video gathered the impact of feminist organizations to strengthen their voice and increase awareness in Ukrainian civil society.

This video is funded by The United Nations Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) with technical support of UN Women…

The Women's Economic Empowerment Congress took place in Lviv, Ukraine

Date: Tuesday, 20 February 2024

On 4–5 December 2023, in Lviv, UN Women Ukraine held the Women's Economic Empowerment Congress (hereinafter referred to as the Congress) for European integration and gender-responsive recovery. The Congress brought together more than 70 representatives of business associations, companies, state institutions, local self-government bodies, international development partners, and civil society organizations. During the two-day event, attendees participated in panel discussions, presentations,…

150 women entrepreneurs from all over Ukraine took part in this year's Women's Entrepreneurship Satellite Expo 2023 organised by UN Women

Date: Tuesday, 12 December 2023

On 27 October 2023, UN Women organized the Women's Entrepreneurship Satellite Expo 2023 in Lviv. The event brought together more than 150 participants, including established women entrepreneurs from different parts of Ukraine looking for opportunities to enhance their professional growth. It also welcomed self-employed women and female employees interested in exploring new opportunities and collaborations with private companies.

The event…

#нестерпиться: День 16. Анна Неплях, модель

Date: Monday, 11 December 2023


У 2021 році близько 45 000 жінок і дівчат у всьому світі були вбиті своїми інтимними партнерами або іншими членами сім'ї. Це означає, що в середньому понад п'ять жінок чи дівчат щогодини гинуть від рук когось із членів власної родини. У 2022 році щодо вчинення домашнього насильства до Нацполіції звернулись майже чверть мільйона людей.

В умовах війни ситуація погіршилася: за 5 місяців 2023 року кількість звернень зросла на 38,8%, порівняно із таким самим періодом 2022…

#нестерпиться: День 15. Злата Огнєвіч, співачка

Date: Monday, 11 December 2023

В Україні немає статистики щодо сталкінгу. Наразі такого поняття не існує і на законодавчому рівні, однак Стамбульська конвенція про запобігання насильству щодо жінок розглядає сталкінг як один з видів гендерно зумовленого насильства та передбачає протидію сталкінгу. Країни-учасниці конвенції зобов’язуються криміналізувати поведінку щодо людини, яка змушує боятися за свою власну безпеку. Насильству над жінками та дівчатами можна запобігти. Для цього ми повинні усунути фактори ризику…

Helena Dalli, European Commissioner for Equality, European Commission - on UN SC Res.1325

Date: Tuesday, 27 June 2023

Helena Dalli, European Commissioner for Equality, European Commission - on UN SC Res.1325

National Action Plan for Implementation of UN SC Res. 1325 on Women, Peace & Security until 2025

Date: Tuesday, 27 June 2023

The National Action Plan for the Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security until 2025

Olena Shavkun - UN Women in Ukraine (EN Subt)

Date: Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Olena Shavkun was compelled by the Russian occupation to flee her native Krasnohorivka in the Donetsk region. Olena and her family eventually relocated to Lukashevo in the Zaporizhzhia region, where she is now the organization's coordinator for "Safe Space for Women and Girls."

Watch the video of Olena's story and her journey from the owner of a small shop in the Donetsk region to the founder of the shelter.

Swedish circles - UN Women in Ukraine (EN Subt)

Date: Wednesday, 19 April 2023

A conversation and experience-sharing method known as Swedish circles were introduced in Safe Spaces in the Zaporizhzhia area. As a result, the women had the chance to share their experiences and communicate, as well as learn new skills that enabled them to launch their own businesses and advance in their first steps.

Watch the video for more details about Swedish circles' format and participants' feedback about their own experiences.

Economic security - UN Women in Ukraine (EN Subt)

Date: Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Special focus is given to women's economic opportunities, including financial literacy and business planning, as part of the "Safe Spaces for Women and Girls" campaign. After all, simply having a business idea in a new location is clearly insufficient. Watch the video to learn how Safe Spaces participants develop new skills to improve their own economic capability.

Psychologic security - UN Women in Ukraine (EN Subt)

Date: Wednesday, 19 April 2023

The war in Ukraine significantly impacted everyone's lives.

One of the most important needs of internally displaced women and girls is psychological safety. Before the "Safe Spaces for Women and Girls" project in the Zaporizhzhia Region was launched, this was the conclusion reached by the UN Women in Ukraine team.

Watch the video about the project's implementation and the participants' feedback .