Championing gender equality amidst the war in Ukraine. An update on UN Women’s work in 2023

Women and men, girls and boys, in all their diversities, have been profoundly impacted by over two years of full-scale war in Ukraine. The humanitarian crisis continues to escalate, with varied and uneven gendered impacts. 56 per cent of the 3.7 million officially registered IDPs are women, and women make up 93 per cent of the 4.6 million people returning to Ukraine and seeking to re-integrate into society. As of December 2023, at least 14.5 million people (one-third of the population) need humanitarian aid, of which 56 per cent are women and girls.
UN Women's activities in Ukraine are focused on three key thematic areas: Humanitarian response; Women, peace, security (WPS); and gender-responsive governance, including support to gender-responsive recovery and reforms for European Union integration. To achieve gender equality goals, UN Women provides material, financial and technical assistance for developing and implementing sectoral policies, advocacy, social mobilization, and capacity-building for government authorities at all levels, human rights institutions, women's rights groups, civil society organizations, and the private sector.
Read more about the impact of full-scale war on women and girls and UN Women's activities in Ukraine in 2023 in the organization's report.