Policy Brief: A Gender Responsive Recovery for Ukraine: Introduction
The recovery and reconstruction of post-war Ukraine offers an opportunity to address many of the country’s long-standing inequalities between men and women. Despite the consequences of Russia’s full-scale invasion since 2022, the Government of Ukraine (GoU) has demonstrated that women’s rights and gender equality remain a priority, through the adoption of gender responsive policies and legislation in 2022-2023. It is crucial that these policies and legislative commitments are translated into action to deliver a gender equal and inclusive society. Implementation of Ukraine’s recovery agenda should match this political goodwill and ensure a transformative gender responsive approach which not only applies to the rebuilding of physical infrastructure but expands to all socio-economic spheres including social protection, labour force participation, care economy, education representation in political decision making, peace building, security and defense, as well access to quality services such as legal aid, psychological, sexual and reproductive health etc. This policy brief provides general recommendations on how to plan for and implement a gender responsive recovery based the use of gender equality planning and budgeting tools and supporting inclusive participation in decision making and monitoring, in accordance with existing legislation and Ukraine’s international commitments to advance gender equality.
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