Gender-sensitive data: Collecting, analysis, monitoring and reporting in Ukraine—a toolkit for data producers

Gender Statistics Toolkit Publication Cover
The Toolkit was prepared by Lantona Sado, International Consultant, in cooperation with NGO “Ukrainian Centre of Social Reforms” (UCSR). Special thanks are extended to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine (SSSU) for a valuable feedback of its experts.

The Gender Statistics Toolkit aims to enhance the understanding and production of gender statistics, and support the integration of a gender perspective into the national statistical system in order to increase the availability and quality of official gender statistics in Ukraine that will be used for policy planning, monitoring and reporting. It has been developed in 2019-2020 in the framework of cooperation between the UN Women project “Gender equality at the center of reforms, peace and security”, funded by Sweden, and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, aimed at providing technical support to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine (SSSU) to refine the system of collection, analysis and dissemination of gender-sensitive data and indicators. This document is designed primarily to assist statisticians working in the statistical units of the SSSU, at the central and regional offices, but can be also useful for all statisticians and data officers, researchers and analysts.

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Narmina Strishenets, Communications and Advocacy Analyst, [ Click to reveal ]

Bibliographic information

Geographic coverage: Ukraine
Subject areas: Gender statistics
Publication year
Number of pages