Anna Zaporozhchuk, Baker McKenzie: “Every day, I realize more how crucial it is to support women in the workplace”


Анна Запорозчук, Baker McKenzie
Anna Zaporozhchuk leads inclusion and diversity initiatives at the Kyiv office of the international law firm Baker McKenzie. Photo: courtesy of Anna Zaporozhchuk

Ukrainian women are serving in the armed forces, pursuing careers, and achieving success on equal terms with men. However, they often face another challenge: managing household responsibilities and caring for their children. This is why Anna Zaporozchuk, the heroine of this story, emphasizes the importance of supporting women in the workplace and creating comfortable working conditions for them.

Anna Zaporozhchuk leads inclusion and diversity initiatives at the Kyiv office of the international law firm Baker McKenzie. She highlights, "Since the beginning of the war, the Ukrainian team has encountered numerous challenges: people are living in extremely difficult conditions, some colleagues are abroad, and the office is working in a hybrid mode." These situations resonate with many Ukrainians today. Nevertheless, Baker McKenzie is persevering and adapting to the current realities. Furthermore, the firm is committed to enhancing working conditions for the women on its team.

One of Baker McKenzie’s key goals at the global level is to uphold the principles of gender equality. To support this objective, the firm has adopted a "40:40:20" policy, which mandates that the management team of the firm and its offices include 40% women, 40% men, and 20% who can be women, men, or non-binary individuals. To create a safe workplace, the Point ONE program has been established. This program sets ethical standards of behavior, promotes mutual respect among team members, and ensures that all employees have the opportunity to contact a designated individual if they experience disrespect, humiliation, or harassment. Employees can expect protection in such cases. Additionally, the program guarantees an impartial investigation and appropriate action against any party found guilty of misconduct. A women's leadership development program called LIFT (Leaders Investing For Tomorrow) has been introduced to support young female lawyers as they start and build their careers at the firm.

The Kyiv office of the global firm Baker McKenzie is committed to achieving its stated goals. It has joined the Point ONE and LIFT programs and is actively working on implementing the "40:40:20" policy. Additionally, various local initiatives are being introduced, particularly focusing on flexible work schedules. Women with children under the age of three can choose a work format that suits their needs, whether that be working remotely, part-time, or coming to the office during hours that are convenient for them.

The firm takes pride in its initiative to offer yoga classes designed to support the mental health of the team. "I never realized how important it is to support women at work, especially during a war. In addition to yoga for maintaining mental health, we often organize creative workshops and attend theater performances, exhibitions, and film screenings. Women are usually the active participants and initiators of these events, and the company supports our ideas," explains Zaporozhchuk.

The law firm had been developing valuable initiatives for women even before the full-scale Russian invasion. One such initiative was the Women Professionals Club, designed for informal communication among the firm’s female lawyers and clients. This club focused on current topics and aimed to support female leadership in business. As the invasion escalated, the meetings shifted their focus to mental health and the role of women in times of war. These gatherings provided a platform for sharing experiences on navigating the crisis and overcoming wartime challenges, allowing women to support one another during this difficult period.

The most impactful women's initiatives are still on the horizon. In November 2024, Baker McKenzie became a signatory of the Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs), joining a community of responsible companies dedicated to supporting women and girls in Ukraine and around the globe.

"There is still much work to be done to implement various initiatives that improve working conditions, promote employees’ physical and mental health, and foster a comfortable team atmosphere. This reflects the company's commitment to its team, especially towards women," concludes Zaporozhchuk.

This article is prepared as part of the initiative "Empowering Women in Business" within the UN Women’s project “Transformative approaches to achieving gender equality in Ukraine” with financial support from Sweden and in cooperation with the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration.