Empowering Ukraine: The Vital Role of Women's Leadership

The Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2024) concluded in Berlin on June 12, continuing the series of annual high-level political events dedicated to Ukraine’s swift recovery and long-term reconstruction since the onset of Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine. The conference brought together over 3,400 participants, representing a wide array of stakeholders, including governments, international organizations, financial institutions, businesses, regions, municipalities, and civil society, all…

72 results found

Provoked? Harassment is not a compliment

Date: Saturday, 23 May 2020

35 per cent of the Ukrainians believe that unwanted touching, stroking, hugs and other actions of a sexual nature from an unknown person is not a sexual violence. Another 73 per cent are sure whether jokes and hints of a sexual nature from a stranger is considered a sexual violence. Sprovokuvala? (Did she provoke?) campaign aims to challenge the victim blaming attitudes, raise awareness on gender-based violence and gender stereotypes in Ukraine. The video is produced in the framework of the…

Provoked? Women are not just caregivers

Date: Friday, 22 May 2020

77 per cent of the Ukrainians believe that women’s most important role is being a caregiver — taking care of the house, husband and children; cooking food for the family. In addition to 43 per cent that agreed that a good wife should not doubt her husband’s opinion even if she doesn`t agree with him. Sprovokuvala? (Did she provoke?) campaign aims to challenge the victim blaming attitudes, raise awareness on gender-based violence and gender stereotypes in Ukraine. The video is produced in the…

Provoked? There is no “boys' sport” and “girls' sport”

Date: Thursday, 21 May 2020

54 per cent of the Ukrainians believe that women are naturally more vulnerable and weak, and that it is harder for them to handle difficult situations. Sprovokuvala? (Did she provoke?) campaign aims to challenge the victim blaming attitudes, raise awareness on gender-based violence and gender stereotypes in Ukraine. The video is produced in the framework of the United Nations Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme implemented by four UN agencies: UNDP, UN Women, UNFPA and FAO. The Programme is…

Provoked? Stalking is not love

Date: Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Every second Ukrainian agreed with the statement that it is by nature more difficult for men to control their aggression. Sprovokuvala? (Did she provoke?) campaign aims to challenge the victim blaming attitudes, raise awareness on gender-based violence and gender stereotypes in Ukraine. The video is produced in the framework of the United Nations Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme implemented by four UN agencies: UNDP, UN Women, UNFPA and FAO. The Programme is supported by twelve…

Ukrainian Women’s Fund representative Anastasia Perepylytsia on effects of COVID-19

Date: Friday, 17 April 2020

Anastasia Perepyltysia from Ukrainian Women’s Fund in Zaporizhzhia region talks about the key problems for women living in rural areas, including the lack of access to basic medical products and services due to suspended public transportation. In critical situations, they have to pay additional costs to hire private transportation to get to the hospitals or pharmacies located in regional or local centers. She remarks that women with disabilities or those suffering from underlying diseases…

Yaroslava Kravchenko: Ukrainian director uses the power of the play to combat gender-based violence

Date: Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Yaroslava Kravchenko is the producer and creative director of the “Wild Theatre”, currently one of the most popular independent theatres in Ukraine. She started her own theatre company to stage contemporary stories and to take on critical social issues affecting Ukraine. Her story is part of the “25 Women” series UN Women Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia produced for the Generation Equality campaign, marking the 25th year anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action.

UN Women Ukraine and Ukrainian Institute award women artists with an historical award

Date: Wednesday, 25 March 2020

UN Women Ukraine and the Ukrainian Institute presented an independent Women in Arts 2020 Award to highlight the achievements of women working in the cultural sphere and acknowledge their contributions and inspire new achievements. HeForShe advocates Michael Schur and Yaroslava Kravchenko moderated the ceremony. Musical guests and YUKO, a Ukrainian music group that combines folk and contemporary genres performed at the closing.

Anastasiia Yeva Domani: How a transgender woman in Ukraine fought for her rights

Date: Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Anastasiia Yeva Domani is a transgender woman from Ukraine who became an activist for transgender rights after fighting for her own right to transition with dignity. Her story is part of the “25 Women” series UN Women Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia produced for the Generation Equality campaign, marking the 25th year anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action.

The second HeForShe Congress in Kyiv turned into a social experiment

Date: Monday, 11 November 2019

The second HeForShe Congress 2019 in Kyiv, Ukraine was turned into a social experiment aiming to mainstream gender in Ukrainian society. During the experiment, 7 male industry leaders analyzed the pros and cons of implementing gender equality principles in their business with the support of seven female mentors. At the end of this social experiment on 17 October, the participants and their mentors shared their experiences and plans in a joint public talk about how businesses can be more…

5 HIV+ women on their rights

Date: Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Women face multiple discrimination not only based on their gender, age, skin color or ethnicity, but also based on their health status. Taboo topics, lack of sexual education, and deep-rooted stereotypes lead to a growing number of people living with HIV in Ukraine. Girls are diagnosed with HIV twice more often than boys. Both men and women living with HIV face discrimination, but women are left behind even more, when they are HIV+. They do not have decision-making power and the chance to…

Odesa International Film Festival joins global HeForShe movement

Date: Wednesday, 28 August 2019

The Odesa International Film Festival (OIFF), an Ukrainian film festival, joined HeForShe, the global solidarity movement for gender equality founded by UN Women, becoming HeForShe’s 25th strategic partner. As part of this partnership, OIFF and UN Women Ukraine created the HeForShe Prize, a new Film Industry Office award in the Pitching category that uses gender equality, human rights, and mutual support between women and men in plot or production to select films for award consideration.

President of the Odesa International Film Festival commits to HeForShe

Date: Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Victoria Tigipko, the President of the Odesa International Film Festival, commits to support gender equality and non-discrimination within their work. Odessa International Film Festival joined HeForShe in 2019, the global solidarity movement for gender equality founded by UN Women. An important contribution of the partnership is the emergence of a new award in the professional section of the Film Industry Office – HeForShe Prize, as well as a special screening of the film The Vice of Hope…

Addressing violence against Roma women

Date: Friday, 21 December 2018

In Ukraine, negative stereotypes and prejudices against Roma remain widespread. This leads to discrimination and unfair treatment carried out by state and non-state actors. It also leads to violent attacks targeting Roma. This is especially true for Roma women, who often suffer from multiple discrimination based on multiple factors, including ethnicity, gender, social status as well as disability, age and others.

Five Roma Women on the Challenges Roma Face in Ukraine

Date: Thursday, 20 December 2018

The majority of Roma women across Ukraine face intersecting forms of discrimination based on their gender, ethnicity and social status, which deepens their vulnerability and pushes them to the margins of the society. The most pressing issues are lack of civil registration documents, lack of quality education, stigma and violence, and low level of political and civil engagement among Roma women.

Gender Equality in the spotlight at Ukraine Fashion Week

Date: Wednesday, 19 September 2018

On 1-6 September in Kyiv, Ukraine, human rights and gender equality took centre stage, as Ukrainian Fashion Week teamed up with HeForShe at Ukrainian Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2019, a world class prêt-a-porter show that drew more than 20,000 visitors. Ukraine’s top fashion designers team up with HeForShe and draw attention to human rights, gender equality and freedom to choose. Five Ukrainian designers and five illustrators from some of Ukraine’s most successful fashion brands paired up to…

Regional Forum "Advancing Human Rights and Gender Equality through Community Mobilization for Empowerment"

Date: Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Regional Forum on Advancing Human Rights and Gender Equality through Community Mobilization for Empowerment has discussed the experience of the implementation of community mobilization for empowerment (CME) approach in the conflict-affected areas of Donetsk and Luhansk. During the Forum more than 120 women and men from 20 communities of Donetsk and Luhansk regions have shared their experience of applying the CME methodology, as well as results and lessons learned of its piloting by the local…

HeForShe + Ukrainian Fashion Week: Gender Equality in Fashion

Date: Monday, 3 September 2018

The HeForShe solidarity movement and Ukrainian Fashion Week have teamed up in a joint project to provide an opportunity for representatives of the Ukrainian fashion industry to join the dialogue on human rights and gender equality in Ukraine. Famous Ukrainian designers share their values and perspectives on the right to self-expression and the freedom to challenge social expectations and stereotypes of how we should look.

Youth Initiative to Combat Gender-based Discrimination and Stereotypes

Date: Monday, 30 July 2018

Joining efforts to combat gender-based discrimination and stereotypes. The joint event has been held in partnership with UN Women, Kiev International School, Kramatorsk City Council, Public Schools of Kramatorsk, Donetsk oblast #2,5,8,9,25,35; and Public Schools of Cherkaske and Mykolaevka communities in Donetsk oblast. The Kyiv International School students presented to their peers from Donetsk region feminist theatrical performance “Reviving Ophelia".

Committing to becoming agents of change at HeForShe Congress in Ukraine

Date: Thursday, 19 July 2018

HeForShe congress, organised by UN Women Ukraine in partnership with the media company WoMo and Ekonomika+ and held in Kyiv, drew local and international business, media, sports, religion, politics and development leaders to speak what gender equality meant to them – and to commit to being agents of change to promote it in the Ukraine. Initiated by UN Women, HeForShe is a global solidarity campaign that invites people – particularly men and boys – to make a visible, positive statement for…

Internally Displaced Women Have Become Agents for Change in Their Communities

Date: Sunday, 1 July 2018

UN Women with Ukrainian Women’s Fund have been supporting community mobilization for empowerment (CME) processes in Eastern Ukraine. 58 self-help groups have been formed, involving 364 women and 52 men, with 13% of these members being internally displaced persons (IDPs). IDP women in Donetsk and Luhansk regions started to identify and find solution for local gender-specific needs of most vulnerable groups. Empowered vulnerable individuals gained confidence and motivation, and advocated with…