Sabine Freizer Gunes, UN Women Representative in Ukraine, on the launch of the “Of Course You Can!” campaign

UN Women and the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, with the support of the Office of the First Lady and the Government of Sweden, have launched a national information campaign “Of Course You Can!”. The campaign aims to overcome gender stereotypes about women's professional development and promote equal representation and professional growth of women in all spheres, as well as draw attention to the gender pay gap between men and women. 

Today in Ukraine, only about 50% of women of working age are employed. However, all women must have the opportunity to develop professionally and work in any industry.

For example, the country needs more bus drivers. So, UN Women, together with the Ministry of Community, Territorial and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine, with the support of Sweden, is working on a new initiative She Drives to train and employ female bus drivers.

UN Women Ukraine continues supporting Ukrainian women through educational, upskilling, and empowerment initiatives. Women should feel fully confident that they can also participate in decision-making, which will drive the recovery.


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